Next Generation Safety Leadership: From Compliance to Care

  • 1h 32m
  • Clive Lloyd
  • CRC Press
  • 2021

Next Generation Safety Leadership illustrates practical applications that bring theory to life through case studies and stories from the author's years of experience in high-risk industries. The book provides safety leaders and their organisations with a compelling case for change. A key predictor of safety performance is trust, and its associated components of integrity, ability and benevolence (care). The next generation of safety leaders will take the profession forward by creating trust and psychological safety. The book provides safety leaders with actionable goals to enable positive change and translates academic languages into practical applications. It leaves the reader with a clear strategy to move forward in developing a safety plan and utilizes stories, humor, and case studies set in high-risk industries. Written primarily for the safety community and can be used to influence day to day safety operations in high-risk organisations.

About the Author

Clive Lloyd has been called on by many global companies as their 'Human Factors Technical Advisor' assisting them to improve their safety culture and performance. He is devoted to applying cutting edge psychological research to safety leadership, and creating caring cultures, which are prerequisites to excellence in safety performance. Clive has worked extensively with senior leaders of many global mining, construction, resource and utilities companies. He has applied his many years of experience in clinical and organisational psychology to safety performance coaching, from the boardroom through to the sharp end. Clive is an expert in assisting business leaders to create the culture necessary to ignite and sustain intrinsic motivation in their people for achieving safety performance excellence. He is a master at coaching executives in the psychology of effective safety leadership and culture change. Clive has worked as a safety consultant extensively in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, USA, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Singapore, China, UAE, PNG, United Kingdom and Costa Rica.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Trust—The Currency of Leadership
  • ‘Zero Harm’ and Other Platitudes
  • BBS (AKA Behavioral Bull Sh#t!)
  • Organizational Values or Company Platitudes?
  • What’s Your Story?—Building Trust Through Self-Disclosure
  • Mind Your Language!
  • Your Team Has the Answers, Do You Have the Questions?
  • Don’t Shoot the Messenger! Making it Safe to Share Bad News
  • Responding after an Incident
  • Doing Safety Differently—From Compliance to Care
  • Epilogue
  • Bibliography