Neuroscience for Leaders: Practical Insights to Successfully Lead People and Organizations, Second Edition

  • 6h 26m
  • Alexandros Psychogios, Nikolaos Dimitriadis
  • Kogan Page
  • 2021

As understanding of neuroscience increases, it is better understood how scientific insights can be applied to develop and enhance leadership. Neuroscience for Leaders captures the most up-to-date and important findings in neuroscience and links these to the business world. This guide offers a simple framework to put these principles into practice to make better decisions, take the right actions and find faster solutions.

Now in its second edition, this book presents a comprehensive approach to leading people and organizations based on academic research. The authors' 'Brain Adaptive Leadership' approach offers a step-by-step guide to enhancing the way leaders think, understanding and nurturing emotions, shaping automated brain responses and developing dynamic relationships. Examples, activities and practical suggestions are all designed to be clear and engaging. Neuroscience for Leaders is the essential guide for leaders who are ready to gain the business advantage scientifically.

About the Authors

Nikolaos Dimitriadis is an award-winning communications professional, educator and consultant. He is the co-author of the books Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach and Advanced Marketing Management: Principles, Skills and Tools, both published by Kogan Page. He spoke at TEDx University of Strathclyde for the urgent need for Brain-Based Communication, he is a certified NeuroMarketer, and he lectured at the NeuroMarketing Manager Program at Hamburg Media School. He is a highly sought-after speaker and consultant, teaching regularly in MBA and corporate programs around the world. Nikolaos Dimitriadis has studied more than 5,000 brains in 25 countries for marketing, leadership and HR purposes. He has worked with major brands such as IKEA, IBM, JTI, Nestle, Johnson&Johnson, AstraZeneca, T-Mobile, DELL, Pierre Fabre, Coca-Cola, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Microsoft, CISCO, SAP, Unicredit, VMware, Emirates NBD, Raiffeisen Bank, Societe Generale and Credit Agricole USAID. He is the Head of Neuro Consulting Services at OptimalHRGroup, offering neuro-research, neuro-advisory and neuro-training services. In 2017 he co-founded and managed the applied neuroscience startup Trizma Neuro. Based in Serbia, he is also the Country Manager for Serbia for The University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College.

Alexandros Psychogios is a Professor of International HRM in Birmingham City Business School at Birmingham City University, UK. He is also a Visiting Professor at Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) and a Research Associate in South Eastern European Research Centre (SEERC). His specialization and research interests are on International Human Resource Management; Leadership, Neuroscience & Complexity; and Performance Management. His work focuses on various management and leadership issues in different, but rather challenging contexts like Small and Medium Companies, Emerging and Crisis Economies and Project Based Organizations. Alexandros Psychogios has a wide-range experience of participating in various consultancy, training and research projects related to leadership & Performance management. In August 2020, he received from the Management Consulting Division of the Academy of Management the Benedictine University Award for Outstanding Research Work on Ethical Issues in Consulting for his work on Crisis Leadership.

In this Book

  • Introduction—The Leadership Enigma and the Human Brain
  • Powerful Brain, Powerful Leader
  • Clear Mind, Strong Direction
  • Higher Performance, More Followers
  • More Emotion, Better Decisions
  • Right Emotion, Right Action
  • Gut Reaction, Faster Solution
  • More Connected, More Successful
  • Brain Communication, Better Persuasion
  • Concluding Remarks—The Future of Brain Science, Leadership and the BAL Approach
  • Epilogue