Naked Finance: Business Finance Pure and Simple

  • 3h 36m
  • David Meckin
  • Nicholas Brealey Publishing
  • 2007

What managers need to know but are afraid to ask. Not a dry accounting primer, Naked Finance is an accessible and thorough non-technical guide to the fundamental elements and principles of business finance for non-financial managers and other ordinary business people. It explains the basics, from preparing budgets and interpreting financial reports to doing sales projections and making the case for buying badly-needed new equipment for the business unit you manage.

In this Book

  • What is Naked Finance?
  • Is it All About Profit?
  • How do You Make Profit?
  • How do You Measure Financial Success?
  • Which are the Figures that Count?
  • Why Produce Financial Statements?
  • What Can You Learn From Financial Statements?
  • What can You Learn From the Financial Press?
  • How do You Know if a Company is Being Well Managed?
  • How do You Create a Financial Plan?
  • How do You Manage Costs?
  • How do You Manage Sales?
  • How do You Manage Profit?
  • What About Cash Flow?
  • How do You Manage Cash Flow?
  • What About Long-Term Projects?
  • How do You Decide if a Long-Term Project is Worthwhile?
  • How do the Pieces Fit Together?