Motivational Management: Inspiring Your People for Maximum Performance

  • 4h 20m
  • Alexander Hiam
  • 2003

Most professionals come to work each day intending to perform well. Your team is no exception: each member wants to do his or her best. You know that they don’t need commands or threats—they respond much better to positive communication, direction, and support. But like most managers, you do have to contend with sometimes troubling issues of attitude, commitment, focus, and ultimately performance.

To improve on all of those qualities, your challenge as a manager is to leverage employees’ intrinsic desire to do well into an action strategy with measurable results. Motivational Management reveals how to communication with employees in ways that stimulate effort, turn around negative attitudes, and accommodate individual differences—without spending any more time or money in the process. The book features the author’s exclusive Job Motivation Level Inventory, which lets you identify and take advantage of attitude-based shortcomings. It also includes an Incentive Profile, a self-assessment tool that helps employees recognize what is important to them and lays the groundwork for establishing a rewards system.

The book covers the entire spectrum of motivating factors, from creating a positive environment to effective communication and the elimination of “contaminants” like micromanagement, unfairness, secrets, and anger. Filled with real-life examples from the author’s considerable experience as a trainer and manager, Motivational Management helps you whip your team into shape—no whip required.

About the Author

Alex Hiam has brought his motivational management training to such organizations as Ford Motor Co., AT&T, the United States armed forces, and many more. Hundreds of corporate training departments use his methods and materials, including the Job Motivation Level Inventory and Incentive Profile found in this book. Mr. Hiam is the author of more than a dozen other books, including Making Horses Drink, Marketing Kit for Dummies, and Streetwise Motivating & Rewarding Employees. He divides his time between San Francisco and Amherst, Massachusetts.

In this Book

  • The Quest for Star Performers
  • Creating a Positive Performance Environment
  • Rethinking Management Communications
  • Motivational Communication Techniques
  • Tackling the Feelings that Drive Performance
  • Providing Challenging Opportunities
  • Using Feedback to Motivate
  • Eliminating Contaminants
  • Transforming Negative Attitudes
  • Appealing to Individual Motives
  • Using Recognition and Rewards


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