Moodle Course Conversion: Beginner's Guide: Taking Existing Classes Online Quickly with the Moodle LMS

  • 3h 24m
  • Ian Wild
  • Packt Publishing
  • 2008

Schools, colleges, and universities all over the world are installing Moodle, but many educators aren't making much use of it. With so many features, it can be a hassle to learn – and with teachers under so much pressure day-to-day, they cannot devote time to recreating all their lessons from scratch.

This book shows how to bring your existing notes, worksheets, resources, and lesson plans into Moodle quickly and easily. Instead of exploring every feature of Moodle, the book focuses on getting you started immediately – you will be turning your existing materials into Moodle courses right from the start.

The book begins by showing how to turn your teaching schedule into a Moodle course, with the correct number of topics and weeks. You will then see how to convert your resources – documents, slideshows, and worksheets, into Moodle. You will learn how to format them in a way that means students will be able to read them and along the way you will learn plenty of shortcuts to speed up the process.

By the end of Chapter 3, you will already have a Moodle course that contains your learning resources in a presentable way. But the book doesn't end there… you will also see how to use Moodle to accept and assess coursework submissions, discuss work with students, and deliver quizzes, tests, and videos.

Throughout the book, the focus is on getting results fast – moving teaching material online so that lessons become more effective for students, and less work for you.

About the Author

Ian Wild, a physicist by profession, has always focused primarily on communication and learning throughout his career.

Fifteen years spent in private industry designing communication systems software eventually saw Ian concentrate on the development of accessibility and learning aids for blind, partially sighted, dyslexic, and dyscalculic computer users—whilst also working part-time as a math and science tutor.

Teaching only part-time meant not spending as much time with his students as he would have wanted. This and his background in learning and communication technology seeded his interest in virtual learning environments.

In this Book

  • Going Electric
  • Set Up Your Courses
  • Add Documents and Handouts
  • Sound and Vision—Including Multimedia Content
  • Moodle Makeover
  • Managing Student Work
  • Communicating Online
  • Enhancing Your Teaching
  • Putting It All Together


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