Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics, Second Edition

  • 12h 16m
  • Peter H. Zipfel
  • AIAA
  • 2007

This book unifies all aspects of flight dynamics for the efficient development of aerospace vehicle simulations. Now in its second edition, its purpose is still to provide the reader with a complete set of tools to build, program, and execute simulations. Unlike other books, it uses tensors for modeling flight dynamics in a form invariant under coordinate transformations. For implementation, the tensors are converted into matrices, resulting in compact computer code. It is the only textbook that combines the theory of modeling with hands-on examples of three-, five-, and six-DoF simulations. This new and enlarged edition also serves as anchor for a self-tutoring, three-part course of aerospace simulations in C++, available from AIAA. Amply illustrated with 318 figures and 44 examples, the text can be used for advanced undergraduate and graduate instruction or for self-study. Seventy eight problems and nine projects amplify the topics and develop the material further. Qualified instructors can obtain a complimentary solution manual from AIAA. This second edition contains two new appendices.

About the Author

Peter H. Zipfel is a graduate of the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and the Catholic University of America with a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering. Currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Florida, he's also worked with the German Helicopter Institute, the U.S. Army , and U.S. Air Force. He has 40 years of experience in aerospace vehicle simulation including helicopters, missiles, airplanes, and hypersonic vehicles and has written several journal articles and numerous technical reports. He is the recipient of U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force awards, is a former member of the Missile Sciences Techncial Committee of AIAA, and is an AIAA Associate Fellow.

In this Book

  • Overview
  • Mathematical Concepts in Modeling
  • Frames and Coordinate Systems
  • Kinematics of Translation and Rotation
  • Translational Dynamics
  • Attitude Dynamics
  • Perturbation Equations
  • Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation
  • Five-Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation
  • Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation
  • Real-Time Applications