Mobilized: An Insider's Guide to the Business and Future of Connected Technology

  • 1h 56m
  • SC Moatti
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2016

Mobile has now become such an integral part of how we live that, for many people, losing a cell phone is like losing a limb. Everybody knows mobile is the future, and every business wants in, but what are the elements of mobile success?

SC Moatti, a Silicon Valley veteran who was an executive with Facebook, Trulia, and Nokia, gives businesses and professionals simple ways to thrive in this modern day “gold rush.” More than a book on technology, this is a book about human nature and what matters most to us.

Moatti shows that because mobile products have become extensions of ourselves, we expect from them what we wish for ourselves: an attractive body, a meaningful life, and a growing repertoire of skills. She has created an all-encompassing formula that makes it easy for any business to develop a strategy for creating winning mobile products.

Her Body Rule dictates that mobile products must appeal to our sense of beauty—but beauty in a mobile world is both similar to and different from what it means offline. The Spirit Rule says mobile products must help us address our deepest personal needs. And the Mind Rule explains that businesses that want to succeed in mobile need to continually analyze the user experience so they can improve every iteration of their products.

Moatti includes case studies from mobile pioneers such as Facebook, Uber, Tinder, WhatsApp, and more. The market is full of how-to books for programming apps, but no works examine what is required for success in the mobile era. Until now.

About the Author

SC Moatti is a recognized thought leader on mobile technology, innovation, and leadership. As an executive at Facebook, Trulia, and Nokia, Moatti launched and monetized mobile products that are now used by billions of people and have received prestigious awards, including an International Digital Emmy Award nomination. Moatti currently runs Products That Count, an organization that helps businesses of all sizes become mobile. She has a Stanford MBA and an MS in electrical engineering.

In this Book

  • The New Gold Rush
  • The Body Rule: The Best Mobile Products Operate by Beauty
  • The Spirit Rule: The Best Mobile Products Give Us Meaning
  • The Mind Rule: The Best Mobile Products Learn as We Use Them
  • The Mobile Formula in the Past, Present, and Future


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