MIT Sloan Management Review on Manage the Risks of Software Reuse

  • 7m
  • Gregory Vial
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2022

One of the key ways software development organizations drive efficiency is by drawing on libraries of existing, reusable software components when creating their own software products and services. This helps accelerate digital innovation, but the advantages come with a trade-off: Organizations accept, sometimes unknowingly, a degree of risk that can lead to serious cybersecurity issues.

That risk was highlighted in December 2021, when it came to light that a widely used open-source software framework called Log4j contained a critical vulnerability.1 The news made headlines because countless pieces of software deployed in organizations, government agencies, and people’s homes depend on this logging framework for the Java programming language. Security experts found that exploits built on the Log4Shell vulnerability, as it came to be known, could have devastating consequences for companies and individuals. And exposure to that vulnerability was found to be stunningly broad: The code had become embedded in software systems on a grand scale, introducing a serious vulnerability into many critical systems around the world. The Log4j exposure should be a wake-up call to executives to better understand software reuse and how to mitigate the risk of using it in their organizations.

About the Author

Gregory Vial is an associate professor of IT at HEC Montréal.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review on Manage the Risks of Software Reuse