MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why You Should Let Your Favorite Employee Move to Another Team

  • 8m
  • JR Keller, Kathryn Dlugos
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2024

You have a superstar on your team. They never miss a deadline or fail to impress a client. They put out fires, support their colleagues, and mentor junior team members. You cannot imagine your work life without them.

And then they tell you that they are ready to grow and want to find their next opportunity at the company. Do you bury your disappointment, thank them for all they have done for you, and immediately help them chart their next step? Or do you act selfishly and suggest that they aren’t quite ready for a bigger job but might be in six months?

About the Author

JR Keller is an associate professor of human resource studies in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Kathryn Dlugos was formerly an assistant professor of human resource management at Penn State University.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why You Should Let Your Favorite Employee Move to Another Team