MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why Text-to-Image AI Requires a New Branding Mindset

  • 5m
  • Andrés Gvirtz, Oguz A. Acar
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2023

In the world of marketing, brand identity is the castle that guards a company’s reputation, with a moat that keeps the competition at bay. One doesn’t need to look any further than T-Mobile’s signature magenta hue (226 red, 0 green, 116 blue) to realize how fiercely this castle is protected. Use a similar shade, and you might find a cease-and-desist letter in your mailbox.

But what if the very ramparts that have protected brands could hinder their future in the age of generative AI?

About the Author

Andrés Gvirtz is an assistant professor of marketing technology and innovation at King’s Business School and a research affiliate at the King’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence, both at King’s College London. He has worked on AI and machine learning projects with Nokia, Bell Labs, and McKinsey. Oguz A. Acar is a professor of marketing and innovation at King’s Business School and a research affiliate at Harvard University’s Laboratory for Innovation Science. His research focuses on collective innovation, particularly on digital platforms, and the psychology of AI.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why Text-to-Image AI Requires a New Branding Mindset