MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why Companies Need to Lobby for Climate Policy

  • 8m
  • Richard Roberts
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2024

In recent years, thousands of companies worldwide have made net-zero commitments to meet the urgent challenge of climate change. Many are investing in product and business model innovation or in supplier engagement programs to drive down emissions. But all too often, one of the most powerful tools a company has at its disposal is ignored by corporate leaders who are serious about sustainability: lobbying.

The huge social and environmental challenges we face will not be solved without effective public policy — and business has an indispensable role to play in making that happen. As Alberto Alemanno, founder of The Good Lobby, has argued, “The misalignment between what companies say and lobby for” is possibly the major factor preventing advances on major societal issues. Harnessing the political power of the thousands of companies that have committed to reducing their own greenhouse gas emissions to lobby for stronger climate policies has the potential to be transformative.

About the Author

Richard Roberts is inquiry lead at Volans, a think tank and advisory firm focused on sustainability and innovation. He works as a strategic adviser and leads Volans’ work on corporate political activity, which focuses on helping sustainable companies use their political influence responsibly and effectively.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Why Companies Need to Lobby for Climate Policy