MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Who's on Your Team?

  • 1m
  • Elizabeth Heichler
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

We’ve spent most of 2020 coming to terms with relative isolation as we’ve tried to dodge infection by the relentless pathogen that has come to define this year. But those who have thrived over the past 10 months are not necessarily the go-it-alone types. Rather, they’re the connectors and the collaborators, who have always shown us that humans achieve the most when they find common purpose and work as a team — whether the task is raising a barn, a family, or another round of funding.

About the Author

Elizabeth Heichler (@eheichler) is the executive editor at MIT Sloan Management Review.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Who's on Your Team?