MIT Sloan Management Review Article on What's Holding Your Data Program Back?

  • 9m
  • Thomas C. Redman
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2021

In my career, I’ve spent more than 25 years helping companies with their data and data quality programs. Beginning in 2018, I undertook a broad-based research effort to understand why, so many years into the digital revolution, progress in the data space is so slow. This article synthesizes a review of my clients’ and others’ successes and failures, discussions with dozens of experts in data and analytics, and study groups that dived deeply into various aspects of the topic.

The headline result: Today’s organizations are unfit for data. Until companies address the underlying issues, progress will remain halting and uncertain.

About the Author

Thomas C. Redman (@thedatadoc1) is president of Data Quality Solutions, a Rumson, New Jersey-based consultancy, and is coauthor of The Real Work of Data Science: Turning Data Into Information, Better Decisions, and Stronger Organizations (Wiley, 2019).

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on What’s Holding Your Data Program Back?