MIT Sloan Management Review Article on The Trust Problem That Slows Digital Transformation

  • 5m
  • Thomas C. Redman
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2022

Pick up any industry or professional publication and you’ll be deluged with articles extolling the value of digital transformation. Supporters tout new capabilities as do-or-die. “All companies must become tech companies” is a common refrain. “Organizations that speed their decision intelligence capabilities will survive, and those that don’t will fail” is another.

Count me among those who are excited for this messaging. I see enormous potential for new digital capabilities to improve business performance, create more satisfying jobs, and solve some long-standing issues that have proven beyond the reach of methods typically employed today.

About the Author

Thomas C. Redman (@thedatadoc1) is president of New Jersey-based consultancy Data Quality Solutions and coauthor of The Real Work of Data Science: Turning Data Into Information, Better Decisions, and Stronger Organizations (Wiley, 2019).

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on The Trust Problem That Slows Digital Transformation