MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Selling Solutions Isn't Enough

  • 10m
  • Hannah Grove, Jonathan Knowles, Kevin Sellers, Richard Ettenson
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2018

B2B companies need to focus on helping each customer achieve better outcomes.

The word solution needs to be retired from the business vocabulary. What was once a meaningful, buyer-defined term that meant “the answer to my specific problem” is now generic jargon that sellers have co-opted to mean “the bundle of products and services I want to sell you.”

About the Author

Hannah Grove (@hannahgrove9) is the chief marketing officer of State Street. Kevin Sellers is the chief marketing officer of Avnet, a distributor of electronic components and embedded solutions. Richard Ettenson is a professor and the Keickhefer Fellow of Global Marketing and Brand Strategy at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Jonathan Knowles (@typetwo) is CEO of Type 2 Consulting.

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In this Book

  • Selling Solutions isn't Enough