MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Risk Intelligence and the Resilient Company

  • 15m
  • Ananya Sheth, Joseph V. Sinfield
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2023

Building the resilience of large, complex enterprises is critical in today’s uncertain and interconnected world. At a time when a container ship grounded in the Suez Canal can bottle up 12% of the world’s trade, or a virus can disrupt the global flow of commodities, components, and talent, a corporation’s ability to quickly adapt in the face of unfolding events is essential to its survival and prosperity.

Business resilience is a dynamic property that is retrospectively measured by the stability and longevity of corporate value across changing contexts. In real time, it manifests in an enterprise’s timely adaptation to both immediate and gradual changes in the business environment.

About the Author

Ananya Sheth (@ananyasheth) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology. Joseph V. Sinfield is a professor of civil engineering and the director of the Institute for Innovation Science at Purdue University.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Risk Intelligence and the Resilient Company