MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Making the Most of Conflicting Advice From Mentors

  • 5m
  • Elana Feldman, William Kahn
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

Making sense of conflicting advice is challenging at all career stages, but it is a critical workplace skill.

Knowing how to handle conflicting advice is a critical workplace skill. Conflicting advice is more common today because amplified complexity and uncertainty open the door to multiple opinions. Greater workplace diversity also makes conflicting advice more likely: When mentors bring different perspectives, experiences, or backgrounds to the table, they may offer clashing guidance.

For example, Oscar was just offered a new job at another company. Taking the job would mean a higher salary and more leadership responsibilities. But he loves working with his current boss and colleagues, and he really likes his company’s culture.

About the Author

Elana Feldman (@elanafeldman) is an assistant professor of management at the Manning School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. William Kahn is the Everett W. Lord Distinguished Faculty Scholar and a professor of management and organizations at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business.

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In this Book

  • Making the Most of Conflicting Advice from Mentors