MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Leading Change

  • 1h 30m
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2017

How does an organization approach change appropriately? What are the tricks for knowing when to change, and to what extent?

In this collection of articles from MIT Sloan Management Review, you'll learn the answers to these questions, as well as how to create lasting management processes; how to avoid common change management pitfalls; how to creatively initiate transformation before a crisis hits; and much more.

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In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Creating Management Processes Built for Change
  • Aligning the Organization for Its Digital Future
  • What Makes Change Harder — or Easier
  • Three Meaningful Strategies for Managing Rapid Change
  • Navigating the Politics and Emotions of Change
  • How to Change an Organization Without Blowing It Up
  • The Art of Strategic Renewal