MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Joining Forces: Collaboration and Leadership for Sustainability

  • 36m
  • David Kiron, Georg Kell, Knut Haanaes, Martin Reeves, Nina Kruschwitz, Sonja-Katrin Fuisz-Kehrbach
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2015

The growing importance of corporate collaboration and boards of directors to sustainable business.

Sustainability is the primary moral and economic imperative of the 21st century. It is one of the most important sources of both opportunities and risks for businesses. Nature, society and business are interconnected in complex ways that should be understood by decision makers. Most importantly, current incremental changes towards sustainability are not sufficient — we need a fundamental shift in the way companies and directors act and organize themselves.

About the Author

David Kiron is the executive editor of MIT Sloan Management Review’s Big Ideas Initiative. He can be reached at

Nina Kruschwitz is MIT Sloan Management Review’s managing editor and special projects manager. She can be contacted at

Knut Haanaes is a senior partner and managing director in the Boston Consulting Group’s Geneva office, as well as global leader of BCG’s Strategy Practice Area. He can be contacted at

Martin Reeves is a senior partner and managing director in the Boston Consulting Group’s New York office and head of the Bruce Henderson Institute worldwide. He can be contacted at

Sonja-Katrin Fuisz-Kehrbach is a knowledge expert for sustainability at the Boston Consulting Group’s Hamburg office and core member of BCG’s sustainability team. She can be contacted at

Georg Kell is the executive director of the United Nations Global Compact. He can be contacted at

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Joining Forces–Collaboration and Leadership for Sustainability