MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Is Your Company Ready for a Cyberattack?

  • 4m
  • James Cummings, Paul Mee
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

Many companies are putting themselves through military-inspired games to beef up their cyber resilience.

The U.S. military views cyberspace as a critical domain it must protect — similar to air, sea, and land. It regularly conducts war games to expose and eliminate risks to data and networks and to test its cyber defense tactics and strategies. As part of that effort, the military and other government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, have launched “bug bounty” programs that reward so-called ethical hackers (people hired by organizations to hack into their computer systems) for identifying and repairing potential vulnerabilities.

In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Is Your Company Ready for a Cyberattack?