MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Retail Responds to Disruption

  • 2m
  • Ally MacDonald
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2018

When you think of digital agility, “retail” might not be the first sector that comes to mind. But, in fact, technology spending in the retail sector has ballooned in recent years, and according to Gartner, it is expected to reach $203.6 billion in 2019.

Companies such as Nordstrom, Best Buy, and Bonobos have strategically prioritized key digital capabilities — from analytics and e-commerce tools to mobile and emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning — in order to avoid displacement in the new digital economy and find new opportunities with customers.

About the Author

Ally MacDonald (@allymacdonald) is senior associate editor, digital, at MIT Sloan Management Review.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on How Retail Responds to Disruption