MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Growth Opportunities for Brands During the COVID-19 Crisis

  • 8m
  • Jonathan Knowles, Joseph Dollens, Patrick Lynch, Richard Ettenson
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

COVID-19 has already had an enormous impact on consumers and brands. The stay-at-home directives, radical shifts in demand for certain product categories, undersupplied distribution channels, and supply chain difficulties for certain companies have disrupted habitual behaviors and required customers to shop in new ways.

About the Author

Jonathan Knowles (@typetwo) is the CEO of Type 2 Consulting. Richard Ettenson is a professor and the Kieckhefer Fellow of Global Marketing and Brand Strategy at Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management. Patrick Lynch (@patrickdlynch) is a clinical assistant professor of analytics and leadership at Thunderbird. Joseph Dollens is president of GIO Global Intelligence, a branding consulting firm in Chicago.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Growth Opportunities for Brands During the COVID-19 Crisis