MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Five Strategies Every Leader Must Embrace to Harness Disruption

  • 6m
  • Annette Rippert, Larry Downes, Paul Nunes
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

The ease with which consumers have adapted to rapid change signals a future of more disruption. COVID-19’s threat to businesses is not just the immediate loss of revenue from slowed and shuttered operations. The biggest risk will come from accelerated disruption, generated by far-reaching changes in customer behavior and dramatic shifts in business regulation. The companies that will thrive post-crisis are those that seize the opportunities generated by the accelerated upheavals.

About the Author

Paul Nunes is global managing director for thought leadership at Accenture Research. Annette Rippert is group chief executive of Accenture Strategy & Consulting. Larry Downes (@larrydownes) is a senior fellow at Accenture Research. Downes and Nunes are coauthors of Big Bang Disruption: Strategy in the Age of Devastating Innovation (Portfolio, 2014) and, with Omar Abbosh, Pivot to the Future: Discovering Value and Creating Growth in a Disrupted World (PublicAffairs, 2019).

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Five Strategies Every Leader Must Embrace to Harness Disruption