MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Do Workplace Wellness Programs Really Work?

  • 3m
  • David Hauser
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2019

Corporate wellness programs are a lot like New Year’s resolutions. While announced with the best of intentions, they don’t lead to enough real action — let alone the kinds of transformations they’re designed to bring.

Just as numerous reports bemoan the way our personal resolutions quickly fall to the wayside, analyses of corporate wellness programs bring similarly dispiriting news. “The most credible research,” Fortune reports, “suggests mixed, if not ambiguous, results.”

About the Author

David Hauser is the cofounder of Grasshopper and founder of Chargify. He tweets @dh.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Do Workplace Wellness Programs Really Work?