MIT Sloan Management Review Article on A Shared Passion for Place Can Make a Business More Resilient

  • 3m
  • Morela Hernandez
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2019

The consequence of greater flexibility and mobility for nomadic executives can be a lack of place. Disconnected from a physical office space, many leaders have identities that are not tied to one location. If they’ve relocated their home base, they expect they will be moving again soon.

The result: Leaders are increasingly strangers in the places where their organizations reside. They often have few deep connections within any one community.

We found that leaders who establish ties with the broader community of stakeholders are well positioned to help their organizations thrive in the face of that hardship.

About the Author

Morela Hernandez is an associate professor of business administration at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. This column is based on research due to appear as the article “Organizational Resilience: A Social Exchange Perspective,” by Morela Hernandez, Scott Baker, Megan Hess, and Jared Harris in the forthcoming Handbook of Organizational Resilience (Edward Elgar Publishing), edited by B. Caza, N. Powley, and A. Caza. The Darden School is on Twitter at @dardenmba. Links to Hernandez’s work are at

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on A Shared Passion for Place Can Make a Business More Resilient