MIT Sloan Management Review Article on 12 Essential Insights for Managing With Resilience

  • 3m
  • Ally MacDonald
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to impact global business, a collection of our most popular articles offers managers advice on supply chain resilience, leading remote teams, and risk management.

The COVID-19 outbreak poses a significant humanitarian challenge across the globe, as governments, health workers, and policymakers work toward containing the spread of the new coronavirus and aiding those affected. The crisis also poses a significant challenge to businesses and managers. Many companies and industries, including business travel, supply chain, and trade, are already facing wide-ranging economic effects and industry-specific impacts.

The editors at MIT Sloan Management Review have been brainstorming about how we can provide readers with more information to help them manage and work effectively despite uncertainty. While there is a range of factors in this crisis that remain outside of the control of companies and leaders, there are several areas where focused efforts can have a real impact. Two new articles — one on leadership practices to embrace and another on the lessons China’s response efforts offer to companies and managers — offer important insights.

We plan to publish more material for managers on these issues in the coming weeks, and we have also collected a dozen of our most popular articles related to supply chain resilience, leading remote teams, and risk management. Several of the articles include case studies from companies that have faced critical operational challenges in the face of major global events in the recent past — including cyberattacks and natural disasters. This collection offers practical strategies for leaders and companies to manage and respond to large-scale disruptions.

About the Author

Ally MacDonald (@allymacdonald) is a senior editor at MIT Sloan Management Review.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on 12 Essential Insights for Managing With Resilience