Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse: Architecture and SQL (Book 18)

  • 3h 22m
  • Todd Wilson, Tom Coffing
  • Coffing Data Warehousing
  • 2015

One of the most popular databases worldwide is Microsoft’s SQL Server. Now Microsoft has introduced their MPP data warehouse system, designed for the cloud, called the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse. The Microsoft Azure Cloud is rapidly making T-SQL one of the standards of SQL among millions of companies. This book details the architecture of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse and the SQL commands available. This book is perfect for anyone who works with the Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse. This book educates readers on how to create tables and indexes, how the data is distributed, and how the system process the data. Plus, it is followed up with over 700 pages of SQL examples and explanations. This book is a must have for anyone designing, implementing or querying the system. The Authors of Tera-Tom Coffing, who has written over 70 successful books and Todd Wilson, CTO of Coffing Data Warehousing bring a combination of minds together made up of experience and real business world knowledge.

About the Authors

Tom Coffing, better known as Tera-Tom, is the founder of Coffing Data Warehousing where he has been CEO for the past 20 years. Tom has written over 50 books on all aspects of Teradata, Netezza, Kognitio, Redshift, ParAccel, Vertica, SQL Server, and Greenplum. Tom has taught over 1,000 Teradata classes in places such as India, Africa, Europe, China, Malaysia, and throughout North America.

Tom is also the owner and designer of the Nexus Query Chameleon, the most sophisticated enterprise query tool in the industry. The Nexus works on all platforms, including Hadoop, converts table structures between all systems, and allows companies to load their ERwin logical model inside Nexus. The Nexus guides users like a GPS system. Users point and click on any table or view from any system, and they are guided to what joins to what. As users choose the columns they want on their report, the SQL is built automatically.

In High School, Tom was the first athlete from his school to ever place at state. He was selected by his school to represent them at Buckeye Boys State, and Tom was inducted into the first class of the Lakota High School Hall of Fame.

At the University of Arizona and University of Nevada Las Vegas, Tom was a two-time All-American wrestler, Sophomore Athlete of the year, and a two-time winner of the 1980 Olympic wrestling trials. Tom graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Speech Communications.

Todd Wilson is the Chief Technology Officer of Coffing Data Warehousing. As CTO, Todd has overseen the development of CoffingDW's premiere data analytics tool, The Nexus Query Chameleon. Under Todd's leadership, the Nexus has expanded to support data sources from all spectrums of data warehousing such as Kognitio (in-memory analytics), HP Vertica (columnar data), Hadoop (including such "Big Data" companies as Cloudera and Hortonworks), cloud service data sources (Amazon's Redshift), as well as traditional data sources such as Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server, Greenplum, and DB2.

An experienced .NET developer, Todd has developed data replication tools, data movement tools, data visualization tools, database management tools, DDL conversion tools and is currently overseeing the development of the Nexus Logical Model Loader. As a technical consultant, he has worked with multiple Fortune 500 companies in fields such as telecommunication, PC manufacturing, and health care. Todd is a Teradata Certified Master and a graduate of Pepperdine University.

In this Book

  • Introduction to the Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • The Azure SQL Data Warehouse Table Structures
  • Hashing and Data Distribution
  • The Technical Details
  • CREATE Statistics
  • The Basics of SQL
  • The Where Clause
  • Distinct, Group By and TOP
  • Aggregation
  • Join Functions
  • Date Function
  • Temporary Tables
  • Sub-query Functions
  • Window Functions OLAP
  • Working with Strings
  • Interrogating the Data
  • Table Create and Data Types
  • View Functions
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Set Operators Functions
  • Stored Procedure Functions
  • Statistical Aggregate Functions
  • Systems Views
  • Nexus