Medical Coding: What it is and How it Works, Second Edition

  • 3h 57m
  • Patricia Aalseth
  • Jones and Bartlett Learning
  • 2015

In clear and straightforward language, Medical Coding: What It Is and How It Works, Second Edition provides an overview of the evolution of medical coding and all the various coding systems, how they relate, and how they function. Reasoning and consequences of the delayed ICD-10 implementation are explained along with a sound overview of the ICD-10-CM and PCS classification systems.

For those contemplating a career in the coding field, this book is ideal as a basic orientation. Other individuals in healthcare management and administration will also benefit from a basic understanding of how coding works.

Unlike other publications that focus only on coding, this book integrates coding guidelines and principles into the billing and reimbursement process, giving the student a more practical foundation in the rationale for correct coding. Healthcare fraud and abuse is addressed as well, to assure that readers understand ethical concerns inherent in coding for reimbursement.

About the Author

Patricia Aalseth, RHIA, CCS-Medical Coding and Documentation Consultant, Kansas City, Missouri.

Patricia Aalseth, RHIA, CCS has more than 30 years’ experience in healthcare coding and revenue cycle management. She provides management and consultative services to hospitals, medical practices and large academic faculty practice plans, and has served as an instructor in health information management academic programs.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Medical Coding in History
  • Diagnosis Coding—A Number for Every Disease
  • Procedure Coding—Location, Location, Location
  • How Codes are Used for Reimbursement
  • Coding for Dollars
  • Solving Your Healthcare Coding Problems
  • Coding as a Career


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