Mayday!: Asking for Help in Times of Need

  • 3h 14m
  • M. Nora Klaver
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2007

Everyone hates asking for help. We're afraid of seeming weak. We think it's an admission of failure. We simply don't know how. So instead we continue to struggle on alone with both day-to-day burdens and serious crises. But, as Nora Klaver shows, we make things much harder on ourselves by not reaching out. Through engaging, often humorous personal stories, Klaver examines why we don't ask for help and shows how changing this counter-productive mindset can enrich us emotionally and spiritually, boost our confidence, and strengthen our relationships.

Mayday! details a 7-step process that takes the fear and intimidation out of asking for help. you'll learn what to ask for, whom to ask, how to ask, and when and where to ask. Chock full of illustrative exercises and real-life examples, Mayday! empowers you to get the help you need and deserve both at work and in your personal life.

About the Author

M. Nora Klaver, MA, MCC, is a master coach with twenty years of experience guiding professionals in Fortune 500 companies. She is founder and president of INQ Inc., Coaching Through Inquiry, an executive coaching firm dedicated to capitalizing on individual skills and talents within work environments. Her corporate clients include leaders from Allstate Financial, NCR Corp., Leo Burnett, StarCom MediaVest, Hitachi Consulting, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Specializing in leadership and organizational development, Ms. Klaver has observed that CEO and office assistant alike share similar aspirations and fears. All want to be seen, heard, and given a chance to contribute. She finds particular satisfaction in assisting her clients to discover their own personal sources of wisdom.

Ms. Klaver is an active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the Association for Spirit at Work (ASAW) and the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). A faculty member with the Infinity Foundation in Chicago, Ms. Klaver is certified as an ontological coach through the Newfield Network USA and as a Master Certified Coach through the ICF.

Ms. Klaver is a vibrant, entertaining speaker who delivers interactive presentations at the local, regional, and national levels.

In this Book

  • Mayday! —Asking for Help in Times of Need
  • Introduction: Getting Ready
  • Why We Don’t Ask
  • Why We Don’t Ask—Really
  • Why We Should Ask
  • Anchoring Yourself
  • Name the Need
  • Give Yourself a Break
  • Take a Leap
  • Ask!
  • Be Grateful
  • Listen Differently
  • Say Thanks
  • Conclusion: Mayday, May Day
  • Resources
  • Bibliography


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