Mathematics and Physics for Programmers, Second Edition

  • 10h 54m
  • Danny Kodicek, John P. Flynt
  • Cengage Course PTR
  • 2005

The casual game market continues to expand, and with the use of Flash growing and the increased popularity of the iPhone and other mobile gaming devices, developers have an exciting new route to market. But many of these budding game programmers find that they're missing the core math and physics skills they need to develop even simple games. MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS FOR PROGRAMMERS, SECOND EDITION teaches beginning game programmers they skills they need to develop causal games. Beginning with the basic aspects of mathematics and physics that are relevant to games, and moving on to more complex topics, the book combines theory and practice and the reader develops a number of games throughout the course of the book. With the concepts and techniques presented in the book, readers should be able to program a number of standard casual game types, including Mario-style platformers, driving simulations, puzzle games, and a simple first-person shooter. They will also gain a basic understanding of 2D and 3D geometry.

About the Authors

Danny Kodicek is a graduate of Cambridge University. He works with Sunflower Learning in the UK, developing science simulations and tools for schools – his software has been translated into over fifteen languages and is sold worldwide. As a freelancer his previous clients include the BBC and the Royal Air Force, and he was co-creator of the award-winning TimeHunt Web site.

John P. Flynt, Ph.D., works in the software development industry, has taught at colleges and universities, and has authored courses and curricula for several college level game development programs. His academic background includes work in information technology, the social sciences, and the humanities. Among his previous books are In the Mind of a Game, Perl Power!, UnrealScript Game Programming All in One, Simulation and Event Modeling for Game Developers (with co-author Ben Vinson), Beginning Pre-Calculus for Game Developers, Java Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Beginning Math Concepts for Game Developers, and Software Engineering for Game Developers. Among other engagements, he has been a speaker at game and educational conferences in San Antonio, LA, Atlanta, Austin, West Lafayette, and the 2004 Xtreme Game Developers Expo in Mountain View, CA. He has worked as a consultant on several curriculum development initiatives involving some of the largest proprietary colleges in the US and has taught literature, political science, computer science, and game development. He has been contracted by DeVry University as a game course developer, and DeVry has adopted Software Engineering for Game Developers for its national curriculum.

In this Book

  • Numbers
  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry and Trigonometry
  • Vectors
  • Calculus
  • Acceleration, Mass, and Energy
  • Detecting Collisions Between Simple Shapes
  • Collision Resolution
  • Detecting Collisions Between Complex Shapes
  • A Simple Pool Game
  • Force and Newton’s Laws
  • Angular Motion
  • Friction
  • Strings, Pulleys, and Conveyor Belts
  • Oscillations
  • 3-D Geometry
  • Transforms
  • 3-D Collision Detection
  • Lighting and Textures
  • Modeling Techniques
  • Speeding Things Up
  • Tile-Based Games
  • Mazes
  • Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence
  • Search Techniques