Mastering the Microsoft Kinect: Body Tracking, Object Detection, and the Azure Cloud Services

  • 2h 24m
  • Vangos Pterneas
  • Apress
  • 2022

Know how to program the Microsoft Kinect and use the device for applications that interact directly with humans through gestures and motion. This book covers the mathematics and theoretical background needed for depth sensing, motion tracking, and object recognition while maintaining a practical focus on getting things done. You will learn to track the human body in three-dimensional space, analyze the human motion, and remove the background to isolate the person being tracked. You will see how to recognize objects and voice, and transform between the three-dimensional physical space and a computer’s two-dimensional screen.

The book is written with real-world applications in mind. It provides step-by-step tutorials and source code for common use cases. The author has worked with startups and Fortune 500 companies, and all of the examples are taken directly from the industry. The book’s practical focus simplifies the core principles, removes the clutter, and allows developers to start writing code right away. Also covered is the use of Azure Cognitive Services on Microsoft’s cloud platform and their use for object and voice recognition, enabling your applications to “see” objects and respond to their environment.

What You Will Learn

  • Visualize color, depth, and body data
  • Calculate angles between different body joints
  • Analyze human motion and create fitness applications
  • Recognize objects and voice using cloud-powered artificial intelligence
  • Remove the background from a scene to create virtual worlds

About the Author

Vangos Pterneas is a professional software engineer and an award-winning Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. Since 2012, Vangos has been helping Fortune 500 companies and ambitious startups create demanding motion-tracking applications. He is obsessive about analyzing and modeling every aspect of the human motion using computer vision and mathematics. Kinect programming started as a hobby and quickly evolved into a full-time business. Vangos is sharing his passion by regularly publishing articles and open-source projects that help fellow developers understand the fascinating Kinect technology.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Mixed Reality and Kinect
  • The Developer Toolbox
  • Configuring the Device
  • Color Data
  • Depth Data
  • Body Tracking
  • Streaming Data in the Background
  • Coordinate Mapping
  • Augmented Reality—Removing the Background of the Users
  • Motion Analysis
  • Azure Cognitive Services
  • Computer Vision and Object Detection


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