Mastering Oracle PL/SQL: Practical Solutions

  • 8h 27m
  • Connor McDonald, et al.
  • Apress
  • 2004

Do you need more from a PL/SQL book than just the correct keywords and some pretty syntax diagrams? Have you been searching in vain for real-world examples and genuine strategies for maximizing the benefits of PL/SQL within your organization? You'll find them here in Mastering Oracle PL/SQL: Practical Solutions, the inaugural title of the pioneering OakTable Press series from Apress.

This isn't a tutorial on how to code PL/SQL. It's designed to show you how to code PL/SQL well. It shows you how to write code that will run quickly and won’t break in high-load, multiuser environments. It covers the vast array of the functionality that PL/SQL provides, including effective handling of relational and abstract data, security, triggers, dynamic web content presentation from within the database, creation of a DBA toolkit, and effective debugging techniques.

This book sets out to redress the unjust criticism leveled at PL/SQL in years gone by. It gives you the tools and techniques to ensure that, whatever your needs are, the PL/SQL you build will run as efficiently as possible. The practical solutions provided in this book will help you to realize the true power and functionality PL/SQL can offer your projects.

Mastering Oracle PL/SQL: Practical Solutions is targeted primarily toward the DBA or developer charged with the implementation of effective data handling, security, and database administration mechanisms in the Oracle database. However, it will also have great appeal to any developer whose applications rely on an Oracle database and who needs a sound understanding of how to use PL/SQL effectively.

If you're brand-new to PL/SQL, then you'll want to take some time to get familiar with the language before tackling this book. It's not for the total beginner. But once you’re up and running, you'll find this book an invaluable guide for ensuring that the PL/SQL solutions you build are robust, perform well, and are easy to maintain.

In this Book

  • Efficient PL/SQL
  • Package it All Up
  • The Vexed Subject of Cursors
  • Effective Data Handling
  • PL/SQL Optimization Techniques
  • Triggers
  • DBA Packages
  • Security Packages
  • Web Packages
  • PL/SQL Debugging


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