Mastering Business Analysis Versatility: Seven Steps to Develop Advanced Competencies and Capabilities

  • 5h 6m
  • Eugenia C. Schmidt
  • J. Ross Publishing
  • 2019

This volume in the Business Analysis Professional Development Series by leading expert Eugenia Schmidt is for experienced business analysis practitioners and others conducting business analysis activities at an intermediate level who wish to master the essential art of versatility and develop other advanced capabilities and leadership skills needed to further their careers to the expert competency level. Practitioners will learn to develop the enterprise-level mindset required to accurately identify an organization's needs; determine the best solutions; and adapt the best approach tools and techniques to fit the project culture risks and ever-changing situations that may arise. This guide will provide practitioners with the skills to perform successfully on virtually any project in any organization and industry and lead others to achieve desired results.

About the Author

Eugenia C. Schmidt, PMP, CBAP, PMI-PBA, Founder and Managing Partner of VITINAR, is a well-known expert, consultant, instructional course designer, and trainer in business analysis, project and program management, project recovery, program/project office setup, information systems, and life-cycle methodologies. She has received numerous awards for her achievements in consulting, including the “Woman of the Year” Award conferred by the American Business Women Association’s Michigan chapter. Eugenia is a published author and sought-after speaker for professional association conferences, seminars, and other events, and has presented to such groups as the IIBA, PMI, BA World, and Women in Technology.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Step One—Move to An Enterprise Mindset
  • Step Two—Adapt to the Life-Cycle Approach
  • Step Three—Consider Uniqueness
  • Step Four—Adjust Based On Risks
  • Step Five—Always Focus On Value
  • Step Six—Bridge The Capability Gap
  • Step Seven—Build Up The Tool Chest


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