Managing Your Supply Chain Using Microsoft Navision

  • 3h 20m
  • Scott Hamilton
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2004

Managing Your Supply Chain provides a simple yet comprehensive explanation of how to use Microsoft Navision in small-to-midsize firms involved in manufacturing and distribution. Describing usage in a wide variety of environments and illustrated with more than 50 case studies, it covers how the entire system fits together to coordinate supply chain activities within the company and with business partners. It explains the integration with E-commerce capabilities and with relationship management, service management, business analytics, and accounting applications. Written for those individuals that are considering or currently using Microsoft Navision, it enables readers to focus on distribution or manufacturing environments (or both) and on single-site or multi-site operations. For those involved in system selection, Managing Your Supply Chain provides a vision of an integrated system and helps evaluate system fit and needed customizations. For those involved in system implementation, it can help accelerate and broaden the learning process, suggest changes to improve system usage, reduce resistance to change, and reduce implementation costs and time.

In this Book

  • Managing Your Supply Chain Using Microsoft Navision
  • Introduction
  • Distribution Items and Purchased Material
  • Manufactured Items
  • Sales and Operations Planning
  • Sales Order Processing
  • Purchase Order Processing
  • Warehouse Management
  • Production Order Processing
  • Multisite Operations
  • Summary