Managing Successful Teams

  • 2h 19m
  • Pat Wellington
  • Kogan Page
  • 2012

There are many different types of teams that a person may be asked to lead: a functional team, a cross-functional team, a virtual team or even heading a team-based project. The team might be new, or it might be an existing team. In each of these circumstances, there will be classic team management roles

– recruiting, motivating, managing performance and handling conflict. Team managers need to adapt to develop their skills for new environments, and they have to work quicker, faster and more effectively.

Managing Successful Teams prepares managers to meet the challenges of building and leading teams, showing how to improve performance and achieve the best results. Offering valuable advice and practical strategies, it covers each aspect of managing teams, including developing team creativity and innovation, realigning the team's identity with a specific leadership style and effective team leadership.

This book is a helpful resource that incorporates emerging trends and shifts in business practices and addresses the practical and realistic issues faced by managers and executives in their everyday working life.

About the Author

Pat Wellington is an internationally recognized management consultant. She has had assignments with many global organizations such as Canon and Coca-Cola; she was the keynote speaker at international conferences in Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. She also authored Effective Customer Care (Kogan Page).

In this Book

  • Setting the Scene
  • Back to Basics - The Fundamentals of Working in Teams
  • Setting Up a New Team
  • Managing the Team Once Formed - Motivation and Performance Management
  • Managing the Team Once Formed – Communication, Meetings, Influencing and Projects
  • Taking Over as Manager of an Established Team
  • Problems in the Team
  • Leading the Virtual Team
  • The Future for Teams


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