Managing Innovation Adoption: From Innovation to Implementation

  • 3h 33m
  • Majharul Talukder
  • Ashgate Publishing
  • 2014

When Innovation is considered one of the key drivers of corporate success, why do organisations struggle to implement it? Research suggests that innovations fail due to a lack of acceptance by employees; therefore an understanding of potential adopters and the factors influencing their decisions is essential. Despite much research on adoption of innovation by an organization, very little is known about its acceptance by individuals within it. Managing Innovation Adoption is about managing technological innovation implementation at work in an effective way by presenting a new theoretical framework. Based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the technology acceptance model (TAM) and other conceptual frameworks, Dr Talukder's enhanced model combines factors from existing and original models to create a coherent new model. The data collected proves that it can be used to assist a broader understanding of how people in an organization adopt and use innovations. As well as contributing to academic knowledge, the author's discoveries have practical implications for organizations, managers, administrators and employees.

About the Author

Dr Majharul Talukder is an Assistant Professor of Management Studies in the Faculty of Business, Government & Law at the University of Canberra. He obtained his PhD from the University of South Australia in the area of innovation adoption and MBA from the Midwestern State University, Texas, USA. His major research interests are in innovation adoption, virtual community and virtual organization, electronic commerce, strategic and technology management. He has published in numbers of international refereed journals including Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Asia Pacific Management Review, Human System Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, and International Journal of Business Innovation and Research.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Innovation Adoption
  • Innovation Adoption by Individual Employees
  • Theories of Innovation Adoption
  • Advanced Research Model of Innovation Adoption
  • Research Methods and Analytical Framework
  • Impact of Organizational, Individual and Social Factors
  • Perception of Professionals and Management Personnel
  • Conclusion and Implications