Managing Employee Burnout: How to Develop A Happy, Healthy and Engaged Workforce

  • 4h 15m
  • Shauna Moran
  • Kogan Page
  • 2023

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. In the workforce, it leads to higher levels of stress, greater sickness absence, sluggish productivity and increased staff turnover so addressing this is urgent.

Managing Employee Burnout covers everything from what burnout is, what causes it and what different forms it can take. It also explores the role of the organization in employee burnout and includes specific guidance on how to manage burnout in remote and hybrid working environments and why dispersed teams may be more susceptible to burnout.

Full of actionable advice and real world examples, this book demonstrates what strategies to put in place to safeguard staff retention and productivity from burnout as well as how to promote awareness and emotional intelligence in the business. This book also explains why effective company culture, communication, leadership and an inclusive talent strategy are key to building a healthy, engaged and sustainable workforce. There is also coverage of how to improve employees' mental health and discussion of the importance of taking a break and how to establish healthy boundaries. Managing Employee Burnout is crucial reading for all HR professionals and all those responsible for talent management who are looking to ensure a healthy, happy and productive workforce.

About the Author

Shauna Moran is the Founder of Operate Remote, an award-winning executive coaching agency that empowers leaders to address staff burnout and build more emotionally healthy, engaged and sustainable teams and organizations. Prior to this, she headed up Partnerships in various SaaS companies. Based in Vancouver, Canada she has a background in psychology and is an accredited Executive and Leadership Coach as well as an Emotional Intelligence Practitioner.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Burnout—My Story
  • What is Burnout?
  • Self-Awareness and Remote Working Burnout
  • Deep and Shallow Work
  • The Self—Summary
  • An Organization’s Impact on Burnout
  • Employee Retention
  • Remote-First Processes
  • The Organization—Summary
  • The Differences Between Leading Remote and Office-Based Teams
  • Coaching and Burnout
  • Relationships and Recognition
  • Leading by Example
  • The Leader—Summary
  • Conclusion


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