Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework, Third Edition

  • 13h 46m
  • Don Peppers, Martha Rogers
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2017

Boost profits, margins, and customer loyalty with more effective CRM strategy

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships, Third Edition positions the customer as central to long-term strategy, and provides essential guidance toward optimizing that relationship for the long haul. By gaining a deep understanding of this critical dynamic, you'll become better able to build and manage the customer base that drives revenue and generates higher margins. A practical framework for implementing the IDIC model merges theory, case studies, and strategic analysis to provide a ready blueprint for execution, and in-depth discussion of communication, metrics, analytics, and more allows you to optimize the relationship on both sides of the table. This new third edition includes updated examples, case studies, and references, alongside insightful contributions from global industry leaders to give you a well-rounded, broadly-applicable knowledge base and a more effective CRM strategy. Ancillary materials include a sample syllabus, PowerPoints, chapter questions, and a test bank, facilitating use in any classroom or training session.

The increased reliance on customer relationship management has revealed a strong need for knowledgeable practitioners who can deploy effective initiatives. This book provides a robust foundation in CRM principles and practices, to help any business achieve higher customer satisfaction.

  • Understand the fundamental principles of the customer relationship
  • Implement the IDIC model to improve CRM ROI
  • Identify essential metrics for CRM evaluation and optimization
  • Increase customer loyalty to drive profits and boost margins

Sustainable success comes from the customer. If your company is to meet performance and profitability goals, effective customer relationship management is the biggest weapon in your arsenal—but it must be used appropriately. Managing Customer Experience and Relationships, Third Edition provides the information, practical framework, and expert insight you need to implement winning CRM strategy.

About the Authors

DON PEPPERS is founder emeritus of Peppers & Rogers Group, and LinkedIn's most authoritative Influencer on the topic of "customer experience," with more than a quarter million followers.

MARTHA ROGERS, PH.D., is founder emerita of Peppers & Rogers Group, and has served as adjunct professor and Director of the Relationship Management Center at Duke University. She now heads Trustability Metrix.

Peppers and Rogers have published eight bestselling books together, including Return on Customer, Rules to Break and Laws to Follow, and The One-to-One Future. Their most recent book is the revised and updated paperback edition of Extreme Trust.

In this Book

  • Foreword—The View from Here
  • Evolution of Relationships with Customers and Strategic Customer Experiences
  • The Thinking behind Customer Relationships That Leads to Good Experiences
  • Customer Relationships—Basic Building Blocks of IDIC and Trust
  • Identifying Customers
  • Differentiating Customers—Some Customers are Worth More than others
  • Differentiating Customers by Their Needs
  • Interacting with Customers—Customer Collaboration Strategy
  • Customer Insight, Dialogue, and Social Media
  • Privacy and Customer Feedback
  • The Payoff of IDIC—Using Mass Customization to Build Learning Relationships
  • Optimizing around the Customer—Measuring the Success of Customer-Based Initiatives and the Customer-Centric Organization
  • Using Customer Analytics to Build the Success of the Customer-Strategy Enterprise
  • Organizing and Managing the Profitable Customer-Strategy Enterprise, Part 1
  • Organizing and Managing the Profitable Customer-Strategy Enterprise, Part 2—Transitioning from Traditional Business to Customer Centricity
  • Futureproofing the Customer-Centric Organization


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