Manager's Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking and Learning
- 2h 11m
- Stephen G. Haines
- Human Resource Development Press
- 1998
The Manger's Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking and Learning provides managers with the basis of Systems Thinking, as well as several new Systems Thinking tools and concepts to enhance individual and organizational learning and performance. Successfully implemented, Systems Thinking can dramatically improve a manager's effectiveness in today's complex and interconnected business world. This book is a valuable addition to any manager's library.
About the Author
Stephen G. Hains is president and founder of the Centre for Strategic Management and an internationally recognized leader in strategic planning and strategic change. He has over 25 years of diverse international executive and consultant experience in virtually every part of both the private and public sectors. Systems Thinking has been a part of his orientation to life for twenty years.
In this Book
Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning
Standard Systems Dynamics
Phase A: The Outcome-Thinking Tools
Phase B: Feedback and Learning Tools
The A-B-C-D Systems Model
Levels of Living Systems
The Rollercoaster of Change
Summary Tool: A Strategic Management System
Summary of Systems Thinking and Learning