Making the Matrix Work, Second Edition: The Agile Remix

  • 3h 36m
  • Alan Hall, Kevan Hall
  • Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
  • 2023

How to work and manage others successfully in matrix organisations operating across regions and functions, with global teams, customers and supply chains.

Traditional management training prioritizes clarity, predictability and control. In a matrix we need to be able to balance this with the ability to tolerate ambiguity, manage uncertainty and decentralize control. Managers need an expanded toolkit to help them move from the hard to the soft, from the concrete to the ambiguous and back again depending on the situation. Making the Matrix Work helps you develop your matrix mindset and will show you how to establish and engage networks that do not depend on role, control or authority to get things done.

This 10 year anniversary edition has been extensively revised to cover Agile and digital working, for those working and managing in the fast paced new world of work, with autonomous teams, iterative working and non-hierarchical leadership.

It will includes new material on alignment and connecting across silos, and on autonomous teams as well as 3 major new chapters on:

Change and stability



There are updates to terms and techniques throughout the book to reflect hybrid and post pandemic working considerations and the impact of digital transformation.

About the Author

Kevan Hall is an author, trainer and regular keynote speaker specializing in working in virtual, hybrid, matrix, agile and global organizations. Kevan founded Global Integration in 1994. Today he manages people and clients in Europe, the Americas and Asia - so he has to practice what he preaches. He is a high impact keynote speaker and engaging face-to -ace and virtual workshop facilitator working with senior audiences around the world.

An acknowledged authority on how to work in complex organizations. He is the author of MAKING THE MATRIX WORK, KILL BAD MEETINGS and SPEED LEAD

Alan Hall is a Key Account Director with Global Integration and co-author of the books Leading Remote and Virtual Teams and Kill Bad Meetings. He is also the author and presenter of the LinkedIn Learning program Activate your Professional Network and Improve your Visibility and co-presenter of Fewer Better Meetings.

In this Book

  • Making the Matrix Work: Introduction to the Agile Remix
  • Introduction to the First Edition
  • Trading Clarity for Flexibility: The View from the Middle
  • Islands of Clarity: Dealing With Competing Goals
  • Owning Your Role: Clarifying Roles and Decision Rights
  • Is Alignment the Enemy of Agility?
  • Leading Never-Ending Change
  • More Cooperation and Communication: Be Careful What You Wish For
  • The Four Ways of Working: Spaghetti Teams, Star Groups, Cloud Communities, and Purposeful Networks
  • Integrating Autonomous Teams
  • Accountability Without Control: A Recipe for Matrix Success
  • Power and Influence Without Authority: We are All Big Dogs Now
  • From Empowerment to Freedom: Continuous Improvement for People
  • Building, Maintaining, and Repairing Trust: A Precondition for Decentralized Control
  • Middle Managers Make the Matrix
  • The Agile Matrix Mindset and Skillset: Be a Matrix Manager, Not a Matrix Victim


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