Make Your Mark: A Guidebook for the Brave Hearted

  • 1h 56m
  • Margie Warrell
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2017

Get unstuck and chart your best course towards your biggest life

If you've ever wondered if there's more to life than the one you're living, this book is for you. In 7 simple steps Make Your Mark will show you how to reset your compass to bring your boldest dreams into reality and make your own special mark on the world.

Whether you want to get more enjoyment from the path you're on or completely over-haul your life, you'll learn valuable tools to map out a plan, achieve your biggest goals and overcome any challenge. Written with the realness and practical wisdom we've come to expect from bestselling author Margie Warrell, it combines insightful advice with powerful questions to help you dig beneath your deepest fears and enjoy more of what you've longed for — in your work, relationships and life.

Of course, changing what hasn't been working in your life requires courage. Courage to take risks and trade the familiarity of the known for the possibilities of your future. If you're ready to get out of the stands and take full ownership of your life, then grab a pen and get ready to bring your bravest self forward to create your biggest life.

  • Rediscover your passion and clarify the highest vision for your life
  • Upgrade your mental maps and rewrite the stories holding you back
  • Reclaim the power your fears have held over you, often unconsciously
  • Recharge your motivation with daily rituals that amplify your strengths and bring out the best in those around you

Your future is still unwritten. Taking time to Make Your Mark will arm you with the clarity, confidence, and courage you need to write a story you'll be forever proud to tell.

About the Author

Drawing from her background in business, psychology, and executive coaching, along with her diverse personal experiences, Margie Warrell is passionate about challenging people globally to expand their vision, rethink risk, engage in bigger conversations and stop playing so safe.

Bestselling author of Stop Playing Safe (Wiley 2013) and Find Your Courage (McGraw-Hill), Margie is a sought after media commentator who has contributed to leading media outlets including The Today Show, FOX News and CNBC. A Forbes Columnist, her advice has also featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today. Margie has co-authored other books with renowned experts Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, John Gray and Jack Canfield.

Margie is also an international keynote speaker and facilitator. Organisations Margie has provided "Courage Building" programs to include Hitachi, AOL, NASA, Bechtel, British Telecom, United Healthcare, Best Buy, Shell Oil, and Ernst & Young.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • How Will You Measure Success?
  • Know Your ‘Why’
  • Live on Purpose
  • Accept the Call to Adventure
  • Begin Where You are
  • Paint Your Boldest Vision
  • Commit to Action
  • Be–Do–Have
  • Write Your Own Story
  • Shelve Your ‘Shoulds’
  • Park Your Excuses
  • Limit Your Labels
  • Fearless
  • Own it—What You Resist Persists
  • Tame it—Stop Catastrophising
  • Name it—Call Out Your Inner Critic
  • Flip it—Rethink Risk
  • Embody it—Hold Yourself in Your Power
  • Risk it—Embrace Discomfort!
  • Build it—Train the Brave
  • Quit Wrestling Reality
  • Give Yourself Permission to Fail
  • Use Stress, Don't Spread it
  • Shed Your Old Baggage
  • Back Yourself, Be Yourself
  • Enlist Your Cheer Squad
  • Lift as You Climb
  • Speak from the Heart
  • Enlist People in Your Cause
  • Expand Your Capacity for Life
  • Take Nothing for Granted
  • Own Your ‘Enoughness’
  • Ditch Comparisons
  • Trust Your Inner Sage
  • Prioritise What Truly Matters


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