Machine Learning Applications Using Python: Cases Studies from Healthcare, Retail, and Finance

  • 6h 5m
  • Puneet Mathur
  • Apress
  • 2019

Gain practical skills in machine learning for finance, healthcare, and retail. This book uses a hands-on approach by providing case studies from each of these domains: you’ll see examples that demonstrate how to use machine learning as a tool for business enhancement. As a domain expert, you will not only discover how machine learning is used in finance, healthcare, and retail, but also work through practical case studies where machine learning has been implemented.

Machine Learning Applications Using Python is divided into three sections, one for each of the domains (healthcare, finance, and retail). Each section starts with an overview of machine learning and key technological advancements in that domain. You’ll then learn more by using case studies on how organizations are changing the game in their chosen markets. This book has practical case studies with Python code and domain-specific innovative ideas for monetizing machine learning.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover applied machine learning processes and principles
  • Implement machine learning in areas of healthcare, finance, and retail
  • Avoid the pitfalls of implementing applied machine learning
  • Build Python machine learning examples in the three subject areas

Who This Book Is For

Data scientists and machine learning professionals.

About the Author

Puneet Mathur, MBA, PMP, CCD is a data scientist and machine learning consultant and alumni of IIM Bangalore in Business Analytics and Intelligence. He is a predictor and author of international bestsellers that teach people to predict in the right way. Throughout his career spanning 18 years, he has researched techniques of Predictive Analytics, Statistics and Machine Learning in relevant business domains.

In this Book

  • Overview of Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • Key Technological Advancements in Healthcare
  • How to Implement Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • Case Studies in Healthcare AI
  • Pitfalls to Avoid with Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • Monetizing Healthcare Machine Learning
  • Overview of Machine Learning in Retail
  • Key Technological Advancements in Retail
  • How to Implement Machine Learning in Retail
  • Case Studies in Retail AI
  • Pitfalls to Avoid With Machine Learning in Retail
  • Monetizing Retail Machine Learning
  • Overview of Machine Learning in Finance
  • Key Technological Advancements in Finance
  • How to Implement Machine Learning in Finance
  • Case Studies in Finance AI
  • Pitfalls to Avoid with Machine Learning in Finance
  • Monetizing Finance Machine Learning