Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work
- 2h 10m
- Beverly L. Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- 2003
Whether for fear of an uncertain economy or reluctance to deal with the inevitable stresses of looking for work, many people feel unwilling or unable to change jobs. So they simply "quit on the job." They disengage, produce less, and bide their time in quiet dissatisfaction, making themselves, and often their coworkers, family, and friends miserable. But there is an alternative.
Love It, Don't Leave It provides readers with 26 ways to make their current work environment more satisfying. Presented in an appealing, accessible A-to-Z format, Love It, Don't Leave It includes strategies for improving communication, stimulating career growth, balancing work with family, and much more. Designed for workers at any age and at any stage, Love It, Don't Leave It helps people assume responsibility for the way their work lives work. Readers who try just a few of the strategies in this book may find that the job they want is the job they already have.
About the Authors
Dr. Beverly Kaye is the co-founder of Career Systems International, Inc., an industry leader in the development and delivery of career development, mentoring, and talent retention solutions. With representation worldwide, Career Systems addresses talent management as the means to support the employee life cycle. CSI’s portfolio of solutions promote the building of partnerships between employees and managers. CSI's ground-breaking programs have been implemented by leading Fortune 500 corporations including American Express, AT&T, Compaq, DaimlerChrysler, FleetBoston, Hartford Life, Macy’s, Marriott International, Microsoft, Mayo Clinic, Nortel, Sears, Sprint, and Xerox.
Sharon Jordan-Evans is president of the JORDAN EVANS GROUP, a company dedicated to increasing organizational effectiveness. An organization consultant and executive coach, Sharon has over fifteen years of experience working with teams and coaching senior leaders as they strive to improve morale, commitment, productivity and the bottom line during times of constant, rapid change. Sharon’s specialties include: Executive Coaching, Strategic Competency Development, Retention Strategies, and High Performance Team Building. She has consulted with both large and small organizations representing such diverse industries as health care, high technology, financial services, entertainment, computers, and insurance. International experience includes work in Switzerland, Australia, the U.K., and Mexico. Representative client companies include: PacifiCare, McKesson, Ethel M. Chocolates, Walt Disney Imagineering, Metropolitan Water District, GTE, Day Runner, AT&T, Ford of Mexico, Southern California Edison, EMI Records, First Interstate Bank, Best Western International, Hughes Delco Systems Organization, Philip Morris, LSI Logic, Universal Studios, PG&E, Xerox, Synopsis, Honeywell, and The Boeing Company.
In this Book
Love It, Don’t Leave It—26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work
Introduction—If it doesn’t get better, I’m outta here!
Ask—And You May Receive
Buck—Don’t Pass It
Career—Chart Your Course
Dignity—Give It to Get it
Enrich—Energize Your Work
Family—Seen Yours Lately?
Goals—Up Is Not the Only Way
Hire—Are You on Board?
Information—Plug Yourself In
Jerk—Work with One?
Kicks—Are We Having Fun Yet?
Link—Build the Connection
Mentor—Make Your Own Match
Numbers—Assess Your Worth
Opportunities—They’re Still Knocking
Passion—It’s Not Just a Fruit
Question—Go Outside the Box
Reward—Reap Your Own
Space—Want Some?
Truth—It Hurts . . . Or Does It?
Understand—Are You Listening Enough?
Values—What Matters Most?
Wellness—Time for a Checkup?
X-ers and Other Generations—Bridge the Gap
Yield—Get Out of Your Own Way
Zenith—Are We There Yet?
But If You Must Leave