Link Technology to Your Long-Term Business Goals: How to Use Technology to Mobilize Your People, Strategy and Operations

  • 1h 53m
  • Praz
  • Apress
  • 2022

Link the use of technology with long-term business goals to optimize the core elements in your organization: people, strategy, and operations. This book will show you how effective planning of processes and execution of strategies with the help of technology can bring about an organization-wide increase in productivity and performance.

Business environments have grown increasingly competitive. Before an organization realizes what has happened, it can lose or gain market share. Being agile is the key to success. This book covers the processes that can help your enterprise be agile and follow best practices when executing your business strategy.

You'll review case studies from real-world experiences that dive deep into the problems a business encounters and the ways to solve those challenges. They deal with the different ways in which your organization can achieve dramatic performance improvements by changing your company’s processes. The book also explains how objectives and key results can be used to align business teams for increased productivity.

With Use Tech to Mobilize Your People, Strategy, and Operations you'll learn how the intensity of core processes can ensure that growth does not wane in your organization.

About the Author

Prashanth currently works on building and managing solutions that are used by sales, marketing, logistics, and operations at Byju's. He previously ​ran his own company, Wyzebulb, that solved business process automation problems. His solutions have helped automate business processes and increased the efficiency of many teams, enabling them to focus on other core activities. He worked at Nokia R&D and later at Babajob before starting his company, Wyzlebulb.

In this Book

  • Teams and Divisions
  • Hiring
  • Upskilling
  • People Management
  • Rewards and Recognition
  • People Processes
  • Rituals
  • Objectives and Key Results
  • Setting up OKRs
  • Linking OKRs to Strategy
  • Ensuring Execution of Strategy
  • OKR as a Continuous Process
  • People and Processes
  • Prototyping
  • Scaling Operations
  • Technology’s Role in Helping Business Needs
  • Technology Stack
  • Key Processes and Rituals of Technology Teams
  • Business Analytics and Its Importance in Scaling and Execution
  • Data Security
  • Why Do Businesses Fail?
  • Exceptions to Processes—Good or Bad?
  • Processes as a Speed Booster, Not a Speed Breaker
  • Are Processes Sacred?
  • Conclusion