Linear and Nonlinear System Modeling

  • 3h 17m
  • Souvik Ganguli, Suman Lata Tripathi, Tamal Roy
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2024

Written and edited by a team of experts in the field, this exciting new volume presents the cutting-edge techniques, latest trends, and state-of-the-art practical applications in linear and nonlinear system modeling.

Mathematical modeling of control systems is, essentially, extracting the essence of practical problems into systematic mathematical language. In system modeling, mathematical expression deals with modeling and its applications. It is characterized that how a modeling competency can be categorized and its activity can contribute to building up these competencies. Mathematical modeling of a practical system is an attractive field of research and an advanced subject with a variety of applications. The main objective of mathematical modeling is to predict the behavior of the system under different operating conditions and to design and implement efficient control strategies to achieve the desired performance.

A considerable effort has been directed to the development of models, which must be understandable and easy to analyze. It is a very difficult task to develop mathematical modeling of complicated practical systems considering all its possible high-level non-linearity and cross couple dynamics. Although mathematical modeling of nonlinear systems sounds quite interesting, it is difficult to formulate the general solution to analyze and synthesize nonlinear dynamical systems. Most of the natural processes are nonlinear, having very high computational complexity of several numerical issues. It is impossible to create any general solution or individual procedure to develop exact modeling of a non-linear system, which is often improper and too complex for engineering practices. Therefore, some series of approximation procedures are used, in order to get some necessary knowledge about the nonlinear system dynamics. There are several complicated mathematical approaches for solving these types of problems, such as functional analysis, differential geometry or the theory of nonlinear differential equations.

About the Author

Tamal Roy, PhD, received his PhD from Jadavpur University in 2016. In 2008, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Hooghly Engineering and Technology College as a Lecturer with 15 years of academic experience. Since 2011, he has been working as an assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of the MCKV Institute of Engineering and presently is Head of the Department. His current research interests include adaptive control, uncertainty modeling, and robust control of nonlinear systems.

Suman Lata Tripathi, PhD, is a professor at the Lovely Professional University with more than 20 years of experience in academics. She is also a remote post-doctoral researcher at Nottingham Trent University, London, UK. She has published more than 74 research papers in refereed science journals and conferences, as well as 13 Indian patents and two copyrights. Additionally, she has edited and authored more than 17 books in different areas of electronics and electrical engineering.

Souvik Ganguli, PhD, is associated with the Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala as an assistant professor since June 2009 with fourteen years of experience in academics. Before joining academics he served the industry for more than two years. He has published eight Science Citation Index journal papers and nearly 50 Scopus indexed papers, book chapters, and conferences. Recently, he has been granted an Australian Innovation patent for his contribution to the industrial cyber-physical system and eight of his patents are already published and awaiting grants.

In this Book

  • Assessment of Faults in Hybrid System Connected with Main Grid
  • Diversified Harmonics Modeling for Power System Stability Analysis
  • Comparative Study of Different Existing Standard Microgrid Networks
  • Application of Active Power Filter in the Hybrid Power System to Regulate the Grid Voltage
  • Dynamic Modeling of Drone Control with MATLAB Simulation
  • Development of New Bioinspired Hybrid Algorithms for Parameter Modeling of Photovoltaic Panels
  • Power Quality Improvement by Using PV-Integrated DSTATCOM
  • Modeling and Simulation of Current Transformer to Study Its Behaviors in Different Conditions
  • Multilevel Inverter-Fed Closed Loop Control and Analysis of Induction Motor Drive
  • Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer for Modeling and Control of Electric Drives
  • Parameter Estimation of First-Order RC Model of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles Using Slime Mould Algorithm
  • Harmonic Distortion-Based Performance Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of Inverter Connected with BLDC Motor Using Starting Transients
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