Learning for Leadership: A Facilitative Approach for Training Leaders

  • 3h 6m
  • Yael Hellman
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2014

If you are tasked with developing effective leaders, "teaching" just isn't going to be enough!

Teaching leadership can be one of the most fulfilling, as well as challenging, tasks of a trainer. Learning for Leadership builds on foundational learning and development concepts and practices to help trainers and facilitators develop programs that meet these challenges and turn learners into leaders. Yael Hellman illustrates how a truly "facilitative" classroom is structured, and she shows why it is the best environment to learn leadership skills. The author does so through the lens of group dynamics and her own experience facilitating leadership courses for the Los Angeles Police Department. The facilitative approach invites learners to practice leadership by being accountable for reaching learning objectives, taking initiative to solve problems, and nurturing their own ideas rather than leaning on authority.

This book includes everything you need to develop a facilitative leadership development course, including:

  • icebreakers or warm-ups to focus learners on the session's agenda
  • interactive instruction models to help them master content
  • ideas for group work, including collective projects; experiential exercises or games and joint activities that immediately apply new material
  • wrap-ups to summarize one session and link it to an upcoming one.

Facilitation integrates techniques from many adult learning approaches to produce creative, transformative, practical learning and leaders who are prepared to lead.

About the Author

Yael Hellman earned her doctor of education degree in institutional management from Pepperdine University. Her innovative training programs in leadership, healthcare, and education have served the greater Los Angeles community for several years. Dr. Hellman brings not only academic knowledge of leadership theory, but also hands-on experience teaching organizational and human resource management in both business and public sector settings.

In this Book

  • Learning Leadership
  • What Makes a Classroom Facilitative?
  • Group Dynamics and Facilitative Training
  • Facilitative Training in the Private Sector
  • Facilitative Training in the Public Sector
  • Best Practices and Resources
  • Experiential Lesson Outlines
  • Wrapping It Up


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