Learn Microsoft Visio 2002 for the Advanced User

  • 4h 28m
  • Frank Zander, Ralph Grabowski
  • Jones and Bartlett Learning
  • 2002

Microsoft Visio is known for its drag-and-drop simplicity, but there is more to this best-selling diagramming software package. Specifically, you can customize and program Visio. Learn Microsoft Visio 2002 for the Advanced User discusses customization features that enable you to adapt Visio to particular applications and to the way you work. These include modifying the workspace, understanding the importance of ShapeSheet sections, and linking Visio drawings to external database files. Additionally, the authors guide you through the basics of programming Visio 2002 using Visual Basic for Applications, which allows you to create user interfaces and write macros. The appendixes include a listing of mouse and keyboard shortcuts and an introduction to the XML format in Visio 2002.

Numerous step-by-step tutorials illustrate the customization features. All of the files used in the tutorials are available for download at www.wordware.com/advvisio.

About the Authors

Ralph Grabowski is the author of 60 books about CAD, graphics, and the Internet, including titles in Wordware’s Visio and AutoCAD LT libraries. He is currently the editor of upFront.eZine e-newsletter for CAD users. He can be reached via e-mail at ralphg@xyzpress.com or by visiting his Web site at http://www.upfrontezine.com.

Frank Zander is the owner of Contract CADD Group, a consulting company focused on custom corporate and personal CAD training. He can be reached via e-mail at frank.zander@contractcaddgroup.com or by visiting his Web site at http://www.contractcaddgroup.com.

In this Book

  • Learn Microsoft Visio 2002 for the Advanced User
  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Shapes
  • Creating Masters and Styles
  • Creating Stencils and Templates
  • Tailoring Toolbars and Menus
  • Introduction to ShapeSheets
  • Controlling the ShapeSheet
  • Customizing and Programming ShapeSheets
  • The Complete ShapeSheet Reference
  • Using Formulae in ShapeSheet Cells
  • Introduction to Database Links
  • Exporting Drawings to Database Files
  • Linking Databases with Diagrams
  • Creating Drawings from Text Files
  • Learning to Write VBA Programs
  • Advanced Visio VBA/VB