Lead & Influence: Get More Ownership, Commitment, and Achievement from Your Team

  • 2h 5m
  • Mark Fritz
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2014

Lead & Influence explains how to use the power of ownership to become even more successful in leading your organization. Based on thirty years of leading and influencing across distances and cultures, author Mark Fritz has identified key leadership mindsets and habits that create a culture of ownership. It begins with a leader’s personal ownership. Second, it's about enabling personal ownership in others. Third, it's about enabling team and organizational ownership. Why? Because you want your people to not just do their job, but also to own the achievement (the outcomes).

  • Explains how executives and managers can successfully lead across distances and cultures
  • Author Mark Fritz is an international speaker focused on helping executives and managers successfully lead across distances and cultures . . . and still have a life

A leader’s performance and quality of life is in direct proportion to the level of ownership their people to deliver the results. The more ownership your people take, the more success you and your organization will enjoy. Lead & Influence will show you how to empower your employees to own achievement, no matter the distance between you and them.

About the Author

MARK FRITZ coaches executives and managers on how to successfully lead across distances and cultures . . . and still have a life. For thirty years, as an executive at Eastman Kodak Company, he lived and worked across countries and cultures (in the US, Singapore, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, and the UK). An international speaker, Mark also provides one-on-one business culture coaching to executives who are moving between regions of the world. Mark is an Associate Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, teaching the contents from this book in various formats across the school's master's programs. The school also enlists Mark to coach all of their Global Executive MBA students.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Thinking and Discussing in Outcomes versus Activities
  • The Ultimate Outcome is Success (and the Why behind it)
  • Creating the Environment for Effective Collaboration
  • Everything Starts with You Understanding You
  • Strengthening Your Character and Focus (Your Foundation)
  • Keeping Your Perspective and Balancing Your Stress
  • Investing in Your Key People (The Extension of You)
  • Delegating Outcomes and Asking Open Questions
  • Getting others to Think, Feel, and Do (The Outcome of Communication)
  • Defining and Reinforcing the Principles and Outcomes
  • Creating Positive Peer Pressure and Interdependence
  • Playing the Game of Positive Politics (Stakeholder Relationships)
  • Follow-up 1—Growing with others' Life Experiences
  • Follow-up 2—More of, Same as, Less of (The Power in Being Specific)
  • Follow-up 3—Daily and Weekly Reflection Guide
  • Resources


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