Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Third Edition

  • 5h 28m
  • David Parmenter
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2015

Key Performance Indicators provides an in-depth look at how KPIs can be most effectively used to assess and drive organizational performance. Now in its third edition, this bestselling guide provides a model for simplifying KPIs and avoiding the pitfalls ready to trap the unprepared organization. New information includes guidance toward defining critical success factors, project leader essentials, new tools including worksheets and questionnaires, and real-world case studies that illustrate the practical application of the strategies presented. The book includes a variety of templates, checklists, and performance measures to help streamline processes, and is fully supported by the author’s website to provide even more in-depth information.

Key Performance Indicators are a set of measures that focus on the factors most critical to an organization’s success. Most companies have too many, rendering the strategy ineffective due to overwhelming complexity. Key Performance Indicators guides readers toward simplification, paring down to the most fundamental issues to better define and measure progress toward goals. Readers will learn to:

  • separate out performance measures between those that can be tied to a team and result in a follow-up phone call (performance measures) and those that are a summation of a number of teams working together (result indicators)
  • look for and eradicate those measures that have a damaging unintended consequence, a major darkside
  • Sell a KPI project to the Board, the CEO, and the senior management team using best practice leading change

About the Author

David Parmenter is an international presenter known for his thought-provoking and lively sessions, which have led to substantial change in many organizations. He is a leading expert in the development of winning KPIs, replacing the annual planning process with quarterly rolling planning, and lean finance team practices. His work on KPIs is recognized internationally as a breakthrough in understanding how to make performance measures work. He has delivered workshops to thousands of attendees in 30 countries around the world. Parmenter has worked for Ernst & Young, BP Oil Ltd, Arthur Andersen, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He is a regular writer for professional and business journals.

He is also the author of Winning CFOs: Implementing and Applying Better Practices, Key Performance Indicators for Government and Non Profit Agencies: Implementing Winning KPIs, and The Leading-Edge Manager's Guide to Success (all from Wiley).

In this Book

  • The Great KPI Misunderstanding
  • The Myths of Performance Measurement
  • Unintended Consequence—The Dark Side of Measures
  • Revitalizing Performance
  • Strategy and its Relevance to Performance Measures
  • Background to the Winning KPI Methodology and its Migration
  • Foundation Stones for Implementing Key Performance Indicators
  • Getting the CEO and Senior Management Committed to the Change (Stage 1)
  • Up-Skill in-House Resources to Manage the KPI Project (Stage 2)
  • Leading and Selling the Change (Stage 3)
  • Finding Your Organization's Operational Critical Success Factors (Stage 4)
  • Determining Measures That Will Work in Your Organization (Stage 5)
  • Get the Measures to Drive Performance (Stage 6)
  • Reporting Performance Measures
  • Resources for the Chief Measurement Officer
  • Case Studies on the Critical Success Factor Workshops
  • Common Critical Success Factors and Their Likely Measures
  • Comparison to other Methodologies
  • CEO Toolkit


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