JSP Examples and Best Practices

  • 3h 23m
  • Andrew Patzer
  • Apress
  • 2002
  • Includes best practices, enterprise design patterns, and the accompanying architectural constructs that provide the building blocks for the successful development and deployment of JSP Web applications.
  • Demonstrates the use of open source testing tools to validate JSP-based Web applications through both regression and performance testing.
  • Covers new features of the JSP 1.2 and Servlet 2.3 specification, including the standard filtering mechanism.
  • Tech reviewed by industry leader and best-selling Java author David Czarnecki.

JSP Examples and Best Practices takes the basics of JavaServer Pages (JSP) and then applies sound architectural principles and design patterns to give developers the tools they need to build scalable enterprise applications using JSP. By the time you finish this book, you will have seen numerous best practices and design principles, which will help you build scalable and extensible enterprise Java applications.

Andrew Patzer takes the standard Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach to a new level by applying enterprise design patterns to create a powerful request-handling framework built upon the MVC model. However, since no framework would be very useful if it were left to itself, JSP Examples and Best Practices augments it with details on how to do unit testing, load testing, and automated build procedures using open source tools from the Apache group.

About the Author

Andrew Patzer is a Web architect for the Centare Group, a consulting firm located in the midwestern United States. His first book, the best-selling Professional Java Server Programming, was one of the first books to cover J2EE technologies. Andrew recently served as a lead systems architect for a leading application service provider in the insurance industry, and he was directly involved in designing and building the J2EE development framework upon which the company's core product was built.

In this Book

  • JSP Foundations
  • Using JSP
  • Role Separation with Javabeans
  • Role Separation with Custom Tags
  • Development Using Patterns
  • The Decorating Filter Pattern
  • The Front Controller Pattern
  • The View Helper Pattern
  • Testing Techniques
  • Deployment Techniques
  • Application Frameworks
  • Putting it all Together